Elevate Your Projects with Quality Sand Solutions!

Transform Your Projects with Superior Sand Solutions Across the Great Lakes State.

mi sand

Unearthing Strength: About Michigan Sand Products

Welcome to Michigan Sand Products, where quality meets simplicity. Our commitment is straightforward: delivering top-notch sand products inspired by the natural beauty of the Great Lakes region. With us, you get reliability and excellence, plain and simple.

What We Offer

At Michigan Sand Products, we offer a diverse range of high-quality sand products tailored to meet your needs. Our selection is designed to provide the perfect foundation for your vision. Explore our offerings and discover the difference that quality and versatility can make.

  • Industrial Sand Products
  • Foundry Sand
  • Sandblasting Sand
  • Traction Sand
  • New Golf Course Sand


[qual-i-ty] the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.

Competitive Pricing

[com-pet-i-tive] strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same.


[time-li-ness] the fact or quality of being done or occurring at a favorable or useful time.

we. have. sand.


tons available!

quality works.

We Can Work Together. Let's Find Out How.

Let’s get the process started!

Products: sales@michigansand.com

Career Opportunities: career@michigansand.com

Call Us: (810) 388-1302


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